
'Godi Media' : it's effects and solutions

  Introduction Media plays a vital role in creating awareness among the people of any country. And in country like India, its role is also an important one. As you know that, India is the largest democracy of the world, so it is assumed that the media of the largest democracy would be in "democracy".  What is "godi media" The term "godi media" is supposed to be coined by senior journalist and Ramon Magsaysay awardee Ravish Kumar and others. The term refers to the group of media and news companies that are directly or partially influenced by any government which is in 'power' In recent years, the term "godi media" has become increasingly common in India. The term is used to describe media outlets that are perceived as being biased towards the ruling party or government. This concept has significant effects on journalism in India, as it can lead to a lack of objectivity and impartiality in reporting. In this blog post, we will discuss the c

Brain Drain in India : Problem or Solution?

Introduction Brain drain refers to the phenomenon of talented and skilled individuals leaving their home countries to settle in foreign lands. This is a common occurrence in developing nations, where individuals seek better employment opportunities, higher wages, and better living standards. India is no exception to this trend, with many of its brightest minds choosing to emigrate to the United States and the United Kingdom in search of better living conditions. In this blog, we will discuss the reasons behind this trend, the impact it has on the Indian economy, and the innovation sectors in the country. Reasons behind Brain Drain One of the primary reasons why Indians choose to migrate to the US and the UK is the higher wages offered in these countries. The cost of living in India is much lower than in the US and the UK, but so is the average salary. The average salary in the US is over five times that of India, while in the UK, it is almost four times as high. This makes it an attrac

Booming Startups in US : what India can learn?

In recent years, the startup scene in the United States has seen a remarkable boom. The success stories of companies like Uber, Airbnb, and Snapchat have inspired entrepreneurs around the world to chase their dreams and start their own companies. India, with its rapidly growing economy and large pool of talented young people, is in a good position to learn from the successes and failures of American startups and create a thriving startup ecosystem of its own. There are several key factors that have contributed to the success of American startups. One of the most important is access to capital. The United States has a highly developed system of venture capital funding, which allows startups to raise large amounts of money quickly and easily. This funding is often provided by experienced investors who can offer valuable guidance and advice to the companies they invest in. Another key factor is the strong support network for startups in the US. There are a plethora of startup incubators,

The bhojpuri film industry : the untold story

Introduction Bhojpuri cinema, also known as Bhojiwood, has been a popular regional film industry in India for decades. With a significant following in the states of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Jharkhand, Bhojpuri films have entertained audiences with their unique blend of drama, music, and dance. However, in recent years, the Bhojpuri film industry has seen a decline, with the emergence of new forms of entertainment, such as digital content, leading to a decrease in the number of films being produced. Understanding the Decline of Bhojpuri Cinema One of the main reasons for the decline of Bhojpuri cinema is the rise of digital content. With the increasing popularity of streaming platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hotstar, more and more people are choosing to watch content from the comfort of their own homes. This shift in consumption habits has led to a decrease in the number of people attending cinemas, which, in turn, has had a negative impact on the Bhojpuri film indust

Indian Judiciary System : An Overview

The Indian judiciary is an independent and crucial arm of the government that plays a vital role in maintaining the rule of law in the country. It acts as a check and balance against the legislative and executive branches of the government, ensuring that the rights of citizens are protected and justice is served. Introduction to the Indian Judiciary The Indian judiciary system is based on the English common law system and consists of a hierarchy of courts, starting from the lowest-level local courts and ending with the Supreme Court of India at the top. The Supreme Court is the highest court of appeal in the country and has the power to hear and decide on a wide range of cases, including constitutional law, civil and criminal cases, and disputes between states. Structure of the Indian Judiciary The Indian judiciary can be divided into two main categories: the higher judiciary and the lower judiciary. Higher Judiciary The higher judiciary consists of the Supreme Court of India and the H

Subhash Chandra Bose : an ICS who defined nationalism

  Introduction: Subhash Chandra Bose, also known as Netaji, was a prominent Indian freedom fighter who played a significant role in the Indian independence movement against the British rule. He was born on January 23, 1897, in Cuttack, Odisha and was one of the most charismatic leaders of the Indian National Congress. Despite his difference of opinions with the party's leadership, Bose continued to work tirelessly for India's independence. In this blog, we will delve into the life and legacy of Subhash Chandra Bose as an ICS officer and a leader who inspired millions in their struggle for independence. Early Life and Education: Subhash Chandra Bose was the ninth child of his parents, Prabhavati Dutt Bose and Janakinath Bose. He was a brilliant student and was awarded a scholarship to study at the University of Calcutta. He graduated with a degree in Philosophy in 1919, and it was during his student days that he became actively involved in the freedom struggle. Bose was greatly

The Plight of Farmers in India : An Overview

  Agriculture is the backbone of India’s economy, as it employs around 50% of the country’s workforce and contributes to around 15% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Despite its significance, Indian farmers have been facing numerous challenges in recent times. In this blog, we will delve into the present condition of farmers in India, including the challenges they face, the government's response, and the way forward. Challenges Faced by Farmers in India Low Agricultural Productivity Agricultural productivity in India is low compared to other countries. This is due to factors such as outdated technology, lack of access to modern seeds and fertilizers, and limited water resources. The low productivity leads to low yields, making it difficult for farmers to earn a livelihood. Dependence on Monsoon A major portion of India’s agriculture is dependent on the monsoon, which is often unpredictable and can lead to crop failures. This unpredictability and lack of water resources have a si